Democracy In The American Dream Essay

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Democracy is a form of government in which qualified citizens can vote leaders that hold power over them. A democracy allows the citizens to be involved in the development of new laws and the general expansion. The word "democracy" comes from two Greek words. The first Greek word that makes up democracy is "demos" meaning the people. The second Greek word that makes up democracy is "kratia" meaning power or authority. A democracy can only exist where there is total freedom. Democratic governments are seen in many countries globally. Our freedoms in the United States has declined both personally and economically. The United States has dropped from seventeenth to twentieth place worldwide. The three areas of freedom the U.S has declined in …show more content…

Social media are websites or application that allow users to share information or photos. When you post information or photo on social media everyone on that website can see what you posted. People post pictures with them on vacation or out of town. This results in their house getting invaded or robbed. This is a result of personal freedom because people got on private property without permission. The American Dream is the idea that every hard working citizen should get an equal chance to succeed and strive in what they do. The American dream has a part of the endless number of opportunities our country supplies. A lot of people look at the American Dream as being able to work hard enough to go from rags to riches. Others see the American Dream as just living a simple and happy life. The American Dream is no longer relevant today because people give up on trying to work hard and treat others …show more content…

Only around thirty-one percent of Americans think that working hard improves your chances of having a good life. The other sixty-eight percent think no matter how hard you work in this country, you will still have a hard time maintaining your standards of living. Six out of ten Americans are trying to get the minimum wage amount raised in the United States. They also think they should get job training and a free education. The reason this does not work with the American Dream is because these people do not want to work for better wages or strive to get a higher

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