Type Of Democracy Essay

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Democracy is important and valuable to the people of the United States. It is the form of government that rules us all. Democracy is one type of government with different variations. The idea of democracy has two meanings. The ideal and the real. The ideal is that democracy that listens to everyone and gives freedom as well as equality. For example, there is direct democracy, in which every person votes to come to an agreement. This is a type of democracy that cannot be accomplished in the United States due to the population size. Instead we have what is called a representative democracy or the real type of democracy. In this type of democracy, we the people get to choose someone to represent our values an opinions and that person reports this to the government. We have this type of democracy because perfect democracy does not exist. It would be extremely hard to accomplish or even come close to it. The reality is that the United States is one of the closest best forms of democracy, yet it’s far from perfect. The U.S. and what makes it a working democracy contains more than just representation. The government is made up of the Constitution, the rule of the majority, public opinion, elections, mass media, interest …show more content…

The United States has been under the influence of a two party system for more than a decade. These parties tend to never take over the government entirely. We might have a democrat president but most of congress can be republican or vice versa. This was the case with Barack Obama. The people wanted so many things and Obama listened but he was not able to pass most, if not all, of his ideas because congress had different views. This takes away from the representative democracy because the people we select choose to play like children and cannot agree to pass a law or amendment that the people desire. This has been happening throughout history but this is the most recent case of

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