Defining Goffman's Total Institution

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To examine how far Lennox castle hospital was an example of what Goffman called a ‘Total Institution’ I will first need to explore Goffman’s definition of this, along with the four factors that he identified as characteristics of a ‘Total institution’ I will then go on to discuss how these four factors fit with Lennox castle hospital and determine whether or not it fell into Goffman’s model of a ‘Total Institution.’

In order to discuss how Goffman’s four factors fit with Lennox castle hospital I will first examine his definition. In 1961 Goffman stated that a ‘total institution’ “is a place of residence and work where a large number of like-situated individuals, cut off from the wider society for an appreciable period of time, together lead an enclosed, formally administrated round of life.” (Jones and Fowles, 2008, p.103) In laymen’s terms this means that a ‘Total institution’ is a place where a large number of people live and work, cut off from the outside world, where strict rules and procedures are in place that will determine all elements of their lives. However Goffman also noted that a ‘Total institution’ could never be completely cut off from society as it would need access to the outside world to not only import it’s staff, residents and supplies, but to also export it’s residents on completion of their stay and the products of work programmes such carpets, tailors, cobblers and tin smiths. Visitors must be allowed access such as policemen, workmen and inspectors in order for the institution to successfully operate. Common examples of these are- Prisons, convents and boarding schools

This obvious contradiction led to Goffman identifying four factors that are important in deciding whether or not a place is a ‘Total ...

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... The Open University.

The Open University (2008) K101 An Introduction to Health and Social Care,

DVD, Video 7.1, ‘Lennox castle hospital drive around film 1996’, Milton Keynes, The Open University

The Open University (2008) K101 An Introduction to Health and Social Care, DVD, Video 7.3, ‘Margret Scally Interviewed in 1996’, Milton Keynes, The Open University

The Open University (2008) K101 An Introduction to Health and Social Care, DVD, Resources, ‘Part 1 of the Lennox Hospital Timeline’ Milton Keynes, The Open University

The Open University (2008) K101 An Introduction to Health and Social Care, DVD, Video 7.5, ‘A lifetime’s work – The early days at Lennox castle’, Milton Keynes, The Open University

The Open University (2008) K101 An Introduction to Health and Social Care, DVD, Video 7.4, ‘James Lappin Interviewed in 1996’, Milton Keynes, The Open University

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