The Importance Of Deaf Education

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The society we have today has grown from the knowledge passed down from generation to generation. Humans begin to learn from the moment they’re born. We are taught by family and strangers alike, but perhaps the most influential people in our lives are teachers. The average student will spend 1,260 hours a year with their teachers, that’s 16,380 hours in an average thirteen year education. But not all students are average, and some teachers are willing to go above and beyond this standard. Deaf educators take the time to teach their students how to succeed in a world not made for them, making it possible to evolve from a society where those considered deaf and dumb were incapable of living a normal life. Deaf education has allowed deaf students …show more content…

I had the honor of begin taught American sign language by a deaf educator, Ms. Parmley, while I was in high school. She had introduced me to deaf culture and taught me there is more to sign language than making hand gestures, the three dimensional language we know today is built on hand gestures, eye contact, facial expression, and body language. Because Ms. Parmley taught me sign language, I have been given the advantage of knowing a second language as well as developing an awareness of cultural and linguistic diversity. Deaf education not only serves as an advantage for deaf students, but also allows hearing students to understand and accept the cultural differences between the hearing world and deaf world. Being a deaf educator would allow me to pass down these opportunities to hearing and deaf students alike, while further allowing deaf culture to merge into today 's society. As we continue to pass down new knowledge to new generations, we are able to discover endless possibilities. While the deaf and dumb were considered incapable of higher intelligence in the past, today 's society is able to grow from this because of deaf education. Deaf education is allowing two cultures to merge while making it easier for the hearing impaired to become active members of society. Without the willingness of past deaf educators, students today would still live in this world as

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