Religion In David Emile Durkheim's Aspect To Religion

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David Émile Durkheim’s projections in regards to religion was essentially that as society expanded, the need for people to attend organized religion would diminish and become something less societal and more individual. This forecast could not be further from the truth as today, religion in general has grown substantially, with an emphasis on the Muslim religion. The increase in the numbers of people of all ethnicities as practicing Muslims has driven the religion into developing into the second largest religious conviction worldwide. The Muslim religious principle remains one that emphasizes societal unity as a whole and harmony of how their people worship collectively, producing greater relationships from within. According to Durkheim it was the need of the individual to connect with others that created the need for organized religion. However, according to the Muslim faith it is the unity of worship that makes that bond stronger. The organization of the five pillars of the Muslim religion strengthens the vows and oaths contained in the Koran and Sunnah, that each Muslim is required to humble his/herself to completely, did not weaken the need for organized religion as Durkheim had predicted in his studies …show more content…

As a result, keeping busy feeding the sick, take care of the poor and mentally ill, there will be no time to contemplate endangering our neighbor. This adds another layer of glue to the Muslim society, making it stronger. As stated previously, it is the calling of all Muslims to summon all others to participate in worship as they do, and they interact with non-Muslims with this purpose in mind at all times. They (Muslims) will socialize, eat and perform business with all religions and all the while they will be looking to spread the word of Allah to each and every one that they come in contact

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