A Jump Into Darkness - Original Writing

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A Jump Into Darkness - Original Writing

There are still a few minutes before he has to do it.

The rumble of the plane’s propellers excites him slightly as he waits,

waits for the time when he steps off into the darkness. He knows he is

going to do this – he does not doubt that. But the waiting is

beginning to make him tense, and nervous. He finds that he is

constantly rubbing his hands together, and stands up to stretch his

nervous legs.

The interior of the plane is metallic and unfriendly, lit only by the

dim, old cabin light. Outside, the night seems cruel and threatening,

as though waiting for him. But he has to do this. He has to face the


As he paces, alone, he feels a shiver, a memory from the past. The

quiet and darkness of the plane takes him back to his depressing

childhood, and a day locked in the cold spare room of his house . . .

Nish stared around the shadowed darkness of his room and shivered,

hugging his teddy to his chest. His father had once again locked him

in here. Every time he made a sudden movement his father would hear

the creak of the old, wooden flooring. Nish felt like an animal,

locked up in a cage, with too little space. The walls of his bedroom

were damp, and rotten. He sat quietly upon the wooden stool.

Everyone knew that Nish was fond of his mother. From the day Nish was

born he always showed love and affection for her. Many people believed

that Nish had a special bond for his mother, which brought them closer

day by day. One thing that Nish missed out in his early life was his


During his childhood Nish had always wondered why he missed out

spending quality time with his so-called father. His father was a

businessman who worked for a well-known company, and earned a good

salary, with a bonus each year.

As Nish grew older, he was astonished by the way his father treated

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