Criminal Behaviour Case Study

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Critically evaluate the claim that criminal behaviour is influenced by environmental factors What is criminal behaviour? Written regulations in today 's society defines criminal behaviour (Morley & Hall, 2003, p. 2). Morley & Hall (2003) state that there is three ways of defining criminal behaviour. The first approach is that criminal behaviour is defined as one engaging in criminal acts that are against the written regulations of society, this can lead to those being punished by law; arrested and convicted. The second approach when defining criminal behaviour is to follow the criteria set in place when diagnosing those with Antisocial Personality Disorder, as this disorder is linked with a high risk of committing criminal activities. The final approach to defining criminal behaviour according to Morley & Hall (2003) is to take into account personality traits of individuals, such as aggression, as it is normally associated with high levels of criminal activity. (p. 2). …show more content…

This study used the findings of the Newcastle Thousand Family Survey (1947-1980) and criminal records. They investigated whether children who grew up in a 'deprived ' family compared with a 'non-deprived ' family where more at risk of committing criminal offences later in life. It was found that the number of males with criminal records up to the age of 32/33 were as followed. Those not deprived was 27/226 (11.9%) those all deprived was 62/178 (34.8%) and those multiply deprived was 27/53 (50.9%) (Kovin et al, 1988, p. 85) These findings suggest that those living in a deprived family environment are more at risk of committing criminal activities and becoming

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