Cosmetic Surgery on Teenagers

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In the first two texts there are numerous views concerning adolescent cosmetic surgery. Among these views are, for example, Diana Zuckerman, president of the National Research Center for Women and Families, whom are mentioned in both texts. As she is quoted in the second text , Seeking Self-Esteem Through Surgery, an article by Camille Sweeney, posted on New York Times website, January 15 anno 2009, “They may not be any happier with their new look, then what?”. Said quote depicts quite well the general skepticism that Diana Zuckerman seems to hold in both texts. It generally seems that she is concerned that many teenagers, whom desire cosmetic surgery, may be somewhat rash in their decision to go to such lengths to acquire the modern beauty ideal. Among other opinions, that surface in the texts, are the one of Valerie Ulene, author of the first of the text, Plastic surgery for teens, an article that were posted on Los Angeles Times website, January 12, 2009. Valerie Ulene, whom is a specialist in preventive medicine in Los Angeles, expresses a concern, not unlike Diana Zuckerman. She furthermore concludes her article with, that she has no regret s not persuading cosmetic surgery on her nose. She considered said procedure as a teen, though not seriously. Concerns like those of Diana Zuckerman and Valerie Ulene can also be associated with the opinions of John Canedy, a cosmetic surgeon mentioned in the first text, and Ann Kearney-Cooke, the director of the Cincinnati Psychotherapy Institute, whom are mentioned in the second text. Furthermore are there listed, in text 1, that many unnamed surgeons argues, that the cosmetic procedures improves the self-esteem of the teens, and as such the quality of their lives. Previous mentione...

... middle of paper ..., as expressed by Dr. Malcolm Z. Roth in the text, the best to guide people and possible patients in the matter of cosmetic surgery may very well be a board-certified plastic surgeon, a ban on adolescent surgeries would simply eradicate the possibility of such risky and possibly unnecessary surgeries. Furthermore are teenagers, even when able to personally able to sign their own surgical consent, not necessarily finished with their physical maturing. As such permanent and possibly everlasting and risky procedures would truthfully often be problematic subject. Also, according to the given information, those whom truthfully need the procedures to live a good life still would have access to such procedures. This would mean that those whom the opposing parts seem to mostly concern theoretically still would have the option to have access to the necessary operations.

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