The Pros And Cons Of Paleoanthropology

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A plethora of controversial subjects and debates emerges in the field of paleoanthropology. The subject of what constitutes a new human species materializes tension within the field. The debates that arise from paleoanthropologist tend to be personal. This results from ambition and lifelong quests for recognition, funding, and fame, can make it difficult for paleoanthropologists to admit when they are wrong (Luskins). Therefore, research released by paleoanthropologist can cause conflict for students, teachers, and fellow specialist. Paleoanthropologist is to expect strife from counterparts, geography, and complication in the analysis of remains as a result of publicizing their data of unknown hominin species. Disagreements surface in regard to the publishing of a paleoanthropologist’s discoveries of new hominid species. According to Luskins, “paleoanthropology is rife with dissent and with few universally accepted theories among its practitioners.” A large quantity of the controversies within paleoanthropology arises from fellow paleoanthropologist. In the midst of the field, each …show more content…

The extensiveness of the research concluded within the field is the result of years of extensive observations. The skeletal remains require constant thorough analyzes to diminish the chances of errors. Misconceptions emerge from the incompetence of the lead researcher, and the lack of an appropriate amount of remains. Hominid fossils usually consist of fragmented bone, which makes it significantly laborious to establish the morphology of the specimens. For instance, without the presence of femurs, the pelvis, and feet, it is immensely difficult to determine if the specimen shows evidence of bipedalism. However, rare cases arise in which fossil 's present well represented specimens and are able to provide an astonishing amount of evidence to support certain physical

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