Confucianism And Buddhism

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Are Confucianism and Buddhism religions? To answer this question one must first find the definition of the word religion. According to our text book the word religion come from the Latin word religio which means awe for the gods and concern for proper ritual (experiencing the worlds religion 3). The definition of the word religion according to several dictionaries is a belief in a divine or superhuman power or powers to be obeyed and worshiped as the creator and the ruler of the universe, or any specific systems of belief, worship or conduct often involving a code of ethics and philosophy. My personal definition of the word religion is anything that help people develop a self understanding, provides comfort, help people develop values and morals, and something that may answer question that may otherwise be unanswerable. Our text book also states that most religions follow eight elements, these elements are a belief system or worldview which is an interpretation of the universe and humans place in it, a community or followers who believe and practice the religion, central myths or stories that express the religious beliefs of the religion, rituals or ceremonies enacting the beliefs, ethics or rules and guidelines about human behavior, characteristic emotional experiences such as the feeling of dread, guilt, devotion, rebirth, liberation, and inner peace, material expression such as statues, rituals objects, clothing and specific location, and the last of the eight is sacredness or a distinction between ordinary things and those things that are considered sacred (experiencing world religions 45). Although these are some of the characteristic that help us define the word religion, they are not all required for something to be called a religion. Our book also states that religion is also ever changing, and is influenced by the values of the culture in which the religion exist ( experiencing world religion 11). After interpreting the results of my findings for the word religion, I have come to the conclusion that both Confucianism and Buddhism are religions. I based my belief that Confucianism and Buddhism are both religions on the fact that both religions have at least three of the eight defining characteristics of what is considered a religion. The three characteristics that I found in Confucianism and Buddhism are a belief system, ethics, material expression, and characteristic emotional experiences.

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