Sigmund Freud's Theory Of Conformity

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Conformity is defined as behavior in accordance with socially accepted conventions or standards. This is not a good or bad thing, this just is. It exists as a compliment to earlier humans congregating into larger groups, using agriculture and domestication to create sustenance. Also, conformity is essential for life. We need people to share the same ideas, ideologies and a way of thinking in order to work efficiently and effectively. There many examples that exist like, at work or in your house and even within yourself. Sigmund Freud has explained the phenomena of group psychology in a piece titled, Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego. Using Freud’s theory of conformity I will explain the self, what we call “me”,and its different constituents using The Principles of Psychology by …show more content…

The relationship between leader or the leading ideology to the group members and the relationship from person to person within the group. Firstly, the first element or relationship of a group, the relationship between the leader or leading ideology, Freud clarifies using the Oedipus Complex. Through the Oedipus Complex we can then see that this where identification is formed. This is where we are able to call ourselves our own through trying to be like or father or mother, which ever the individual primarily identifies with, wanting to be like them and take their place or succeed them. Now the leader and ideology becoming like a father figure the individual aspires to be like them. This forms this like mindedness and shared reality so to speak of the group. In congruence with recognizing the leader as the primary identifier to then keep all the group members at bay and together there is this illusion that is formed to keep the members of the group together. This myth created is that all the members are loved equally because if there are favorites, that can cause conflict and disband the group. This notion of being loved equally ties them to the leader

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