Discrimination In Social Psychology

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Social psychology is the study of explaining how the behaviors and thoughts of individuals are influenced by the presence of other people. “Situational variable can exert powerful influences over human behavior, more so that we recognize or acknowledge” (Zimbardo). This discipline is strongly evident in the examination in how a person changes his beliefs and feelings around certain people and in different environments. In today’s society, it can be debated that minorities are treated unfairly due to their color of skin, religion, sexual orientation, and any other action that doesn’t fit into the ideal lifestyle. Discrimination is defined as the unfair or prejudicial treatment of certain categories of people or things. Individuals who practice …show more content…

In many cases, people perform implicit biases, and that’s when one unconsciously and mindlessly follow the actions of people, regardless of right or wrong. Psychologist Solomon Asch correctly illustrated this theory when he conducted an experiment that tested the impact of peer pressure from a majority on one’s conformity. Asch measured the instances in which one changed his answer to match the other people in the experiment, and he concluded that more than half of the participants purposely gave false answers. Why would not only the participants in the Asch assessment, but also Nazis, slave owners, and racist all conduct themselves in similar ways? People obey authority and their peers because of normative and informational influences. One conforms because he wants to fit it and seek the approval of others, or he believes that other individuals know more information than him. In addition, there is a great divide among people, because so many individuals are following these dismissive behaviors, rather than believing in their own instincts. Also, negative persuasion aids in this practice, as a result, many people fail to escape stereotypical and racist thoughts, which later causes them to treat people who are different from them …show more content…

Social Psychologists can help resolve this issue by studying the reasons why some people practice prejudice and then teaching people how to reach within themselves and alter negative perceptions of others. Once we learn some of the ways discrimination is conceived, we may find ways that avoid the creation of them and decrease the likelihood of it occurring. To alter this harsh behavior, one must surround himself with the type of environment that encourages the positive characteristics of living with individuals who are different from him. “Confidence is knowing who you are and not changing it a bit because of someone’s version of reality is not your reality”

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