The Importance Of Conflict In Conflict

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Men retreat in conflict, women advance, this is another gender to lie, in reality just as many women as men withdraw from the conflict and just as many men as women advance. It’s important to understand that we respond to conflict based on our social style not our gender. People normally respond to conflict in four basic ways: Withdraw, control, give in and attack. Each social style has a different hierarchy of response. Drivers normal like to take control of a conflict. If they feel they are losing control they tend to overcompensate. Drivers are known for becoming cold, unfeeling and sarcastic. They normally go with the “My way or the highway” approach. But Analyicals become inflexible and nitpicky in conflict. They tend to avoid, dodge and retreat from uncomfortable situations. Expressives respond to conflict by becoming loud and obnoxious when dealing with intense personal conflict. They end to emotional attack others and their ideas. Lastly, Amiables who normally dislikes any type of conflict so much that they will give in to avoid it. They will give in to any conflict. The truth to the …show more content…

Media has allowed this gender lie to continue to spread. You see countless depictions of men who are driven to achieve and work hard as the breadwinner and present the women as focus of the relationship rather than career or success. This stereotype does not fit a lot of people and needs to be dispelled. The truth to this lie is that having an innate drive toward accomplishment or relationship is not about gender but once again about social style. Drivers are task oriented and extroverted. They are born to achieve and gravitate towards leadership positions. Analytics are more tasked oriented than relationship oriented. Amiables need relationship much more than they need accomplishments. Expressives can be ambitious but they don’t always follow through projects or work hard to reach high

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