The Complex Responsibilty of Selecting Resources for English Language Learners

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ELL Resources

Selecting appropriate resources for use in the ELL classroom is an important and complex responsibility. Ideally, substantial thought and reflection should go into the process, since student outcomes are at stake; program and content goals, as well as student instructional needs are factors deserving ample consideration. However, practical or even incidental factors can also influence the selection process, and ultimately the final decision. These may include availability (or lack thereof), time constraints, budget limitations, and personal preferences or teaching style. In this portion of my essay, I will discuss the age appropriateness, cultural responsiveness, ability to enhance content instruction, and linguistic accessibility of eight resources an ELL instructor could select to use in a range of ELL/EL classrooms, and how they may or may not relate to target language or content areas. I will also describe the process of how ELL teachers select and use these resources to enhance their language instruction.

Resources for early to upper elementary students:

1. – Starfall Education is a fun and engaging website, that teaches early elementary and younger ELL students phonemic awareness, systematic phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. The website states that was created based on how children use computers, and keeps them motivated by stimulating “the feelings of wonderment and play”. As a multi-level, child-directed tool for young learners this is a great supplement to a well-rounded curriculum. It is linguistically accessible to ELL and struggling students from beginner to high-beginner levels, allowing them to work independently to improve their reading sk...

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...her resources include a competency outline which guides the instructor in placement and progression. The reading subjects are also designed to support the ESL/ABE State Scope and Sequence of Skills for Minnesota. ESL levels Beginning through Advanced are supported, as well as ABE levels Beginning through High Adult Secondary and CASAS levels 200 – 235.

Those learners who are visual and auditory will be best supported by this website, however the timing of individual reading selections and the competitive element of trying to improve one’s score can also be appealing to kinesthetic learners. The topics presented are of interest to adults in the United States, but students who come from other cultures will have the added benefit of learning about our culture through the leveled readings as well. I recommend this resource as part of a well-rounded curriculum plan.

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