Similarities Between Utopia And Communist Manifesto

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Although everyone knows that the world is not perfect as is, several philosophers have iterated their ideas of what a perfect and ideal society, a utopia, would look like. Some such philosophers were Thomas More in 1516 through his fictional book, Utopia, and Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848 through their pamphlet, The Communist Manifesto. In Utopia, three characters discuss Hythloday’s travels to the land of Utopia and why it is superior to other nations, while in The Communist Manifesto, the authors plan actions to overthrow the oppressive bourgeois class and create a classless society. Although Marx and Engels do not explicitly state that they seek a utopian society like More does, the description of the resulting society of their revolution meets the criteria of their own perfect society. Both works come about as a result of their political and social contexts at the time of authorship, with Utopia being a result of the feudal system in Europe …show more content…

Marx makes it very clear that his goal is to have the proletariat rise up and overthrow the bourgeoisie in order to have a classless society free of capitalism and greed. Currently, he states, the proletariat is enslaved by the bourgeoisie, which would be changed if the new society that rises out of revolution is classless. These ideas are similar to those of Hythloday when he talks about how property and money dictate who has things and who has not. However, the Utopia that he describes still has remnants of social classes because slaves are described quite a few times. Unlike slavery known to us, slaves are not bought in Utopia, but in their current state because of their own wrong actions. Therefore, there are some slight differences when looking at class structures between Marx’s utopia after the revolution and that of More in the society that Hythloday

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