An Essay On The Circulatory System

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The Circulatory System
The circulatory system works as the body’s transportation network, tirelessly sending nourishment and protection to all vital parts. According to Merriam-Webster, the circulatory system is “the system of blood, blood vessels, lymphatics, and heart concerned with the circulation of the blood and lymph.” While many may already be familiar with the circulatory systems’ role in the transport of oxygen, it does much more. In reality, the circulatory system is built of two subsystems: the lymphatic system and the cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system and the lymphatic system work in tandem to make sure the body is free from attacking microorganisms and receives oxygen, respectively. However, due to the circulatory playing such a crucial role in the way the body operates, issues are bound to arise, and it is imperative for one to know precisely how to prevent such complications from arising.

The cardiovascular system is the most commonly known …show more content…

Most of blood, however, is actually made of plasma, a heat conducting liquid that protects the red blood cells, which deliver the oxygen. The smallest percentage of blood content is white blood cells, which are responsible for finding and killing foreign microorganisms. Carrying blood, two types of vessels (tunnel-like structures that contain blood) contribute to the majority of blood flow: arteries, which take blood away from the heart, and veins, which bring blood to the heart. When ventricles in the heart contract, blood pressure results, causing these vessels to become more strained as more blood enters them (also creating pulse as a result). Blood is moved through the body by two veins, including the pulmonary system that takes blood to the lungs, and the systemic system that takes blood everywhere else (systemic system contains many subsystems). Blood is essential in bringing much needed resources to the

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