Chinese Culture: The Culture And Culture Of China

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China is an extremely large country, and the customs and traditions of its people vary by geography and ethnicity. Since ancient times, China has been known as the “Celestial Empire.” This refers not only to China’s strength and position as East Asia’s Middle Kingdom, it also captures a more profound meaning. Chinese people, through various dynasties, created a rich and abundant culture to all over the world. And Chinese culture is the only culture in the world to have a continuous recorded history of 5,000 years. It has left behind countless literary classics, historical documents, cultural relics, and national records reflecting its immense scope. Culture includes religion, food, style, language, marriage, music, morals and many other things …show more content…

There are lots of musical instruments are integral to Chinese culture, including the flute-like xun and the guqin, which is in the zither family. And of course china has the Beijing opera which is developed for hundreds of years and now still very popular in Chinese. There are also the Chinese martial arts - Kung Fu. The aim of Chinese martial arts is to strengthen both the body and mind and to extend friendship. Martial arts are not intended to do harm to others, nor does the practitioner use his skills to boast, or to betray his friends or his country. These are the paramount principles that every person who practices martial arts should …show more content…

In "chu ci" spiritism ", its shape and play method made specially recorded: "six books; gas cap chess, separation and phase forced some; ChengXiao and seeks to call five white." Mean, made of jade (gas) is equivalent to the dice.(all) the size of chess, each side has six; The method of the game was cao in hand.(must be two people or two groups of game league), attack each other, forcing the dead; The last is the winner "seeks" (multiple) get victory. Beat the enemy soldiers (spring and autumn when conscripts, interacting with 5

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