The Impact Of Canada In The Second World War On Canada

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After forcing 60 million deaths, World War II was a disastrous event. Anyway, it transformed Canada from a small country into a well-respected and thriving nation. Canada’s participation in the Second World War had a very significant impact on it as a Country. Canada faced many hardships however, it emerged as a different and united nation. In fact, World War II had paved a new lease of activity in the Canadian setup in aspects such as social developments, economical developments, and political developments. Canada was eventually recognized as a respected and important nation and it was placed into a position in which it was able to have its power seen throughout the globe. This position conferred Canada significant amounts of respect from the other countries and as a result the benefits she gained were numerous. By the end of this war, the country was placed pretty high up in the social ladder. During the war, Canada played a major role and was a major factor in the victory gained by the allies. These successful contributions in the war left Canadians feel proud as being citizens of this country. After the war, the unemployment rate had dropped significantly and left citizens doing …show more content…

From the first Great War, to the Great Depression, and after the Second World War, you could say that Canada had been transformed significantly. Since the day the British North American Act was enacted in 1867, Canada was a small and developing country. The Second World War had been one of its biggest challenges yet and the countries future prospects tremendous benefits especially in the fields of political development, social development, and economical development. It was a great struggle to get where she is today and WW2 was a major contributing factor to why Canada is such a strong and unified nation

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