Essay About Sports Ministry

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The call is the divine purpose given to those who follow Christ. As one learns and lives out their call, they are able to truly fulfill their divine purpose. Christians must understand how to identify their calling as well as understanding how to use their call to glorify God. God has shown me that my calling aligns with my passion to do ministry and glorify God. I have a passion to live a life that is worthy of being called a disciple of Christ. I am called to ministry and I will use my calling to glorify God and serve others. The call comes to people in many ways. The call is the divine purpose and direction of our lives as Christians. A call can originate through many different ways as God intercedes into one’s life. Some people have a …show more content…

During my years in high school, many people within the church leadership affirmed my calling to teaching ministry. My youth pastor confirmed my called through affirmation and by giving me many responsibilities to teach. Several pastors from my church affirmed by gift of teaching, as well. I also received confirmation of my call to teaching through desire. Throughout the time of preparing messages or lessons, I received much joy in researching and learning. Similarly, I greatly appreciated opportunities to help others better understand what I learned about God and His nature. I have also received confirmation of my call to sports ministry. In my summer baseball team, I was blessed with the opportunity to share a verse and pray with my team before every game. Many of my teammates and their parents encouraged and affirmed me through this opportunity. I very much appreciated the opportunity to share my beliefs in the atmosphere of the baseball field. My high school baseball coach, high school team mates, and current baseball coach have affirmed me that my character on and off the field exemplifies faith. I am very grateful for, and I never want to take for granted, all of these examples of encouragement and affirmation. These examples of affirmation and desire have given me confirmation of my call to teaching ministry and sports

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