The Causes And Effects Of Bullying In Modern Society

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Octavia E. Butler once said, “Not everyone has been a bully or the victim of bullies, but everyone has seen bullying and seeing it, has responded to it by joining in or objecting by laughing or keeping silent, by feeling disgusted or interested.” It has been reported that one in every seven students from grades kindergarten through twelfth have been a bully or have gotten bullied (Lett, 2011). Bullying has been a continuing issue for a long period of time. Everything changes over time, including bullying. 71% of students report incidents or bullying as a problem at their school (Lett, 2011). Bullying is a large controversy in modern society, however, knowing the definition of each type, the relationship status, a generalization, and the …show more content…

Bullying relationships are frequent in the household and at school. Parents are capable of bullying each other so much that it can impact the child. The father is more likely to physically bully the mother because men are generally stronger than women. It is convenient for parents to use physical and verbal bullying so much that it can send the child “over the edge.” This shows the child that it is appropriate to physically abuse others because his/her parents were doing it. There are also cases when a father bullies his child. Young girls with abusive fathers are more likely to grow up and marry a man just like the male figure she grew up with. In the household, the father is generally the role model and if he is bullying his child, the child will think all male figures are going to treat him/her the same way. This will result in the child feeling fear toward all male figures, even those in school. Customarily, the father does not have good relationship skills and does not know how to connect with his child in a loving way, so reacts negatively in a physical way. The child will begin to feel anxious when an authoritative figure comes near him/her. A child who gets bullied by the father is not going to prioritize homework when he/she arrives at home. Homework is not on the mind of bullied children, let alone a priority, surviving the night is. A student who is struggling in school is less likely to ask a parent for help if they are afraid of being called names or tormented. They simply choose not to do the work or to do it incorrectly just to get it done. “A parent who falls back on parenting techniques based on aggression and physical bullying may fit the parental bullying profile,” says James Lehman, a behavioral scientist (Lehman, 2014). A parent may believe using techniques of physical abuse are going to

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