Gender Themes In Boys And Girls By Alice Munro

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A story is always an adventure of the mind, but many people can have different understandings of the same story. It always has a different point of view and not everyone perceives things the same way. Usually when someone reads through a story for the first time, they pick up on the basic ideas but don 't always see the underlying messages. Continuing to re-read the stories opens a new window of ideas that were never saw before. Some authors leave a gap for the reader to fill with their own imagination. The author also may have symbols and special details that give more information to give deeper context of the story. The short story “Boys and Girls” by Alice Munro , has a great message and the setting is in the mid 20th century. The story is being narrated by a young girl that lives on a fox farm with her mother, father, and brother. Thought her life she is characterized by gender roles and struggles with this issue. …show more content…

She wants to be different and not just the average girl whose only value is to do work in the house. The narrator saw her mom’s work as useless and unimportant compared to her father’s work. She called her mom’s work ,“endless, dreary and depressing”(Mays 157). She was very against working in the house with her mom, but her mom took every opportunity to get her to stay in the house and help her. It was because her mom wanted her to learn and become a lady. It was not enough for her to just be a normal girl that works around the house. She described it as a, “hot dark kitchen in summer” symbolizing that she feels trapped by the inherently female tasks and would much rather have the feeling of freedom when she works outside like a man. She wanted to be something better and make a real difference. She strives for this, her bedtime stories of her saving the world and being heroic. It builds up this great image of a girl that she dreams of being and also wants to accomplish in her real

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