An Analysis Of Alain De Boeuron's Essay On Traveling Mindon

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As humans, we love to travel and observe the fascinating world around us. We travel to get out of our home environment, the environment that we usually live in. We tend to have a goal oriented mindset in our home environment. One thinks of the home as more of a punishing then amusing. We prefer to stay at a traveling destination rather than our home. Traveling could be more tiring than staying home but we still chose to travel. The reason behind this is that we think of our home as a boring place. In the essay "on habit", the author Alain de Botton talked about how one can see their home environment in the same way as a traveler would. The author 's main purpose in advocating a traveling mindset as a way of negotiating everyday reality is to …show more content…

We live in a very goal oriented environment and have our own unique goals in life. We are always in a rush to get to places because we cannot afford to be late. We use time in very restrictive manner and cannot waste even a minute of our busy schedule. We think of the people around us as obstacles and our goal is to overcome these obstacles and achieve a higher degree of success. Because of our goal oriented life style, we forget how fascinating our everyday environment is. In our fast paced life, we forget to enjoy our surroundings. Alain de Botton said, "The Sole cause of man 's unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quietly in his room"(60). We are always in such hurry to get to places that we do not even have time to observe what the smallest things in our life have to offer. Alain de Botton has stated that the true reason behind our unhappiness is our goal oriented lifestyle, if we pause our lives and take a moment to observe our everyday environment, we might find something that we have never noticed before. It could be fascinating how easy it is to miss the small details in our lives. Alain de Botton gives …show more content…

One reason why we feel bored at home is because we have very little expectation of being amused. The environment around us is so familiar to us that we can walk with our eyes closed and still manage to get from one place to another. We do not think that there could be something that can fascinate us. We have been living is this environment for so long that we have become habituated. There may be many interesting things in our home area but we chose to ignore them all. We only focus on the things that matter to us at the moment. This goal oriented observation causes us to miss out on the important details of our home place. Alain de Botton writes, “of the 4,000 things there might be to see and reflect on in a street, we end up actively aware of only a few” (de Botton, 63). We can get away from this blindness if we free ourselves from the goal oriented mindset. There are so many things that we miss in our everyday life. The fast paced life style allows us to achieve more, but it also makes us unaware of the things that we miss out on. Alain de Botton states in the essay, “I walked along this particular road almost every day to reach my underground station and was unused to considering it an anything other than a means to my end” (de Botton, 63). We travel on a same path every day and to us it is just a way to reach our destination. If we see our everyday path with a

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