The Blackfoot Nation

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Across Canada and the United States there are many First Nations languages which are a part of the Algonquian language family, all of which with varying states of health. Although these languages share many characteristics of the Algonquian language family, the cultures, systems of beliefs, and geographic location of their respective Nations differentiate them. In being shaped by the landscape, cultures, and spirituality of the First Nations, the language brings the speakers closer to their land and traditions while reaffirming their identity as First Peoples. Using the Blackfoot Nation to further explore this concept, this paper will show that while language threads together First Nations culture, spirituality, traditions and land, as well as their identity, each of these essential components also maintain and revitalize the language. Though referred to most commonly as the Blackfeet or Blackfoot, many refer to themselves as the Nitsitapiksi (Ni-tsi-ta-pi-ksi), the “Real People,” a term used by the Blackfoot to also refer to all First Peoples of the Americas (The Blackfoot Gallery Committee, 2013, 11). The term Niitsipoiyksi is used to refer to those who are “the speakers of the Real language,” that being Blackfoot, but it may also mean those who speak their Aboriginal language (The Blackfoot Gallery Committee, 2013, 11). The Blackfoot Peoples are made up of three distinct Nations the Kainai, the Piikuni and Siksika. Though this is how some Blackfoot literature refers to the Nations, it is still common to hear these Nations referred to as the Blood Nation for the Kainai, Peigan (Canada) or Blackfeet (United States) for the Piikuni, and Blackfoot or Northern Blackfoot for the Siksika (The Blackfoot Gallery C... ... middle of paper ... ...placed in the Blackfoot that led to a social breakdown within the communities, such as alcoholism, depression, and violence, which further distanced many Blackfoot from their culture and language (Bastien, 2004). As much of what has been written here has been focused on the Blackfoot culture and the ways it has been impacted by settlers, language will now be discussed more in-depth to further illustrate how it has also been impacted. Works Cited Bastien, B. (2011). Blackfoot ways of knowing: The worldview of the siksikaitsitapi. Calgary, Alberta: University of Calgary Press. Blackfoot Gallery Committee, The (2013). The story of the blackfoot people: Nitsitapiisinni. (2nd ed.). Ontario: Firefly Books. Tovias, B. (2011). Colonialism on the prairies: Blackfoot settlement an cultural transformation, 1870 - 1920. Portland, Oregon: Sussex Academic Press.

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