Descartes Body And Soul Reflection Paper

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Plato; a Greek philosopher who postulated about the difference between the body and the soul would disagree with this as he believed in the idea that the soul is indeed distinct from the body. He stated that the soul was capable of knowledge as it was immortal and as such had experienced the forms during its time spent in the , 'world of the forms ' before it was incarnated our mortal bodies. Plato goes so far as to use the term , 'imprisoned ' in his book phaedo when describing the nature of our soul in the body; he states that the goal of our soul is to reach the , 'world of the forms ' and that true philosophers avoid distractions such as ,loves and lusts, and fears.....and endless foolery ' the body creates which 'impede us in the search …show more content…

Therefore whilst the body itself can be doubted the soul cannot, following this he states that the body and soul cannot be one and the same. They must in fact be separate and distinct entities. The inescapable conclusion Descartes comes to is that he possesses mind, his ‘thinking being’, as distinct from his body. He saw the mind and body as existing in two different states of being- the mental and the physical. The mind is’ non-spatial’, it experiences thought, feelings, desires and emotions. The body is located in time and space in a physical sense. This opposes the original statement as it suggests that the body and the soul are in fact separate entities. However Descartes ‘observation is criticised by Brian Davies who challenges this idea stating that just because he can consider himself to be sober does not in actual fact mean that he is, Descartes theory is limited somewhat ironically only by his own thoughts, and the fact that the human mind is far more complex and often times deceptive than we perceive it to be. Another key critic of Descartes dualist view is that of Gilbert Ryle who likened the dualist view to the , 'doctrine of the ghost in the machine ' and argued that it rested upon merely a, ' categorical mistake ' as the soul itself is not a separate entity from the body but only understandable in relation to the body. Ergo Descartes description of the souls residence, a ‘principal seat in the little gland which exists in the middle of the brain, from whence it radiates forth through all the remainder of the body ', conveys that whilst he considers the soul to be non-physical he gives it a physical location, which seems

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