The Benefits of World War One on Australia

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It is well recognised that World War 1 was a traumatic experience for the Australian nation. It claimed 60,000 young lives and another 156,000 men were wounded, gassed, or taken prisoner. But when the trauma abated, it became apparent that Australian society had been changed permanently and positively. Some of the gains realised by Australia as a result of her involvement in WWI included a newfound maturity as a nation, the respect and recognition of other nations, new opportunities for trade and industry, a greater recognition of women’s rights and a massive economic and population boost due to post war immigration programs. This web-site has been created to show you some of the benefits of World War One on Australia.

Economy and Trade:
When war was declared Australia immediately banned all trade agreements with Germany, Austria-Hungary and the other Central powers. This move cut off access to some products that had previously been imported, forcing Australia to be more independent as the country, having to develop the industry to manufacture over 400 commodities ranging from pharmaceuticals and metalworks (Anzac Day Committee Qld, 2014). This opened many opportunities for Australian businesses.
Australia was also called upon to supply their European Allies with vital produce, including wheat, wool and meat. This required an increase in production that also boosted the economy in the post war period. In 1915 no wheat was available from Russia to be transported to Britain and poor crops in America resulted in Britain buying the entire Australian refrigerated mutton and beef supply for the rest of the war.
Wars require uniforms, bandages and clothing and as other countries needed these, the whole wool clip bought at 55% above p...

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.... The wages of women started to go up. The armed forces started to employ women as drivers, cooks, storekeepers, clerks, telephone operators and administration. It was soon recognised women were more than competent in a range of tasks, including the management of farms and businesses.
This recognition in turn fed the demand for more rights and more freedom. This led to a new independence among women, and changed Australian society permanently.

Australia’s involvement in WWI saw advancements in the technology available to all Australians. By 1918, early model continuous wave wireless radio sets and ‘spark’ or ‘loop’ radio sets were becoming more widely used as a result of the technological advances of the military. For a country as vast as Australia, effective radio communications made a significant difference to the ability of the country to develop.

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