Before I Fall: Sam Kingston

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In the book, Before I Fall, the readers experience life seven times through a teenage girl with hope of surviving. The main character, Sam Kingston whose life was ephemeral, dies in a car accident and is thrown into disarray. However, she lives that day over and over again seven times; all with different endings. Through her repeated days in Before I Fall, readers will come to know that Sam Kingston is hopeful, determined, loyal, and caring. While reading Before I Fall, readers will learn what caring truly is. Sam Kingston dies and relives that day over seven times. She learned after the first day not to take life for granted. Sam was very caring. For instance, to save herself from dying, she stayed home from school. This to some readers may not be a big deal, but Sam had a younger sister, Izzy. Some readers may find their siblings annoying and try to eschew them; nevertheless, Izzy was never testy to Sam. Therefore, when Sam stayed home, she agreed to let Izzy stay home with her. While spending the day together, Sam did whatever Izzy wanted to do. Her choice was to visit Goose Point, a rock where geese would always fly. Even though this was a picayune to Sam; nevertheless, she went anyway. While there Sam wanted to say very kind words to Izzy that she did not have the heart to say before. Sam did not want to cry in front of her sister, for this would show Izzy how upset she is. The kind words were “I feel ache in my throat, but I manage to smile. Two conflicting desires go through me same time, each as sharp as a razorblade: I want to see you grow up and don’t ever change” (Oliver 284). Izzy was never an ignominy to Sam. For Sam, caring was to love her sister, and to save one of her classmates from dying. This classmate, Ju... ... middle of paper ... ...t want to do this she does anyway. “Lindsey and I decide to cut seventh period and go to TCBY. Linsey has French, which she can’t stand, and I have English” (Oliver 44). This shows how loyal Sam was to her friends, and how they were close to each other. In the end, Sam was hopeful, determined, caring, and loyal. I’m not scared, if that’s what you’re wondering. The moment of death is full of sound and warmth and light, so much light it fills me, absorbs me: a tunnel of light shooting away, arching up and up and up, and if singing were a feeling it would be this, this light, this lifting, like laughing… The rest you have to find out for yourself. (Oliver 470) This explains that Sam was trying to not only save her life but others too. Before I Fall shows readers to live life to the fullest and never to regret anything; furthermore, to live a sumptuous life.

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