History Of Bangladesh

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Bangladesh is a South-Asian country situated on the Bay of Bengal and gets couple of countries borders. Those borders are India, Myanmar and shore is Bay of Bengal, and there is a history behind this country related with cultural, religion and language. Many dominances came in this country from different regions all over the world for example Indo-Aryan, Mongol-Mughul, Arabian, Persian, Turkish, and European since early 11th century to mid of 19th century. In 11th century Indian emperor succeed this region when people were non Muslim, especially Hindus and Buddhists struggling time. In 1200 A.D many non Muslims population had converted to Muslim through with different Muslim empire, finally in 16th century Bengal was completely absorbed into …show more content…

When the Hindu domination grew up tremendously the Muslim form All-Indian Muslim league. The League formally adopted the same goal as the Indian National Congress government for India within the British Empire (Bangladesh History: An overview). The Congress and the League were not able to agree on a formula protecting the Muslims religious, economic, and political rights. Over the next two decades, tension was growing between Hindus and Muslims led to a series of hostile intercommunal clashes. In 1930, Muslim emerged to become independent from Hindus domination and gradually it became popular in 1936, when Muslim League faced different problems after their defeat in the first elections in 1935. In 1940, with the leading of Mohammad Ali Jinnah the leader of Muslim league called for the creation of an independent state in the regions where majority people were Muslims. End of World War two, the UK took decision to divide this country into two different countries with their own religion. The …show more content…

That is why The Awami League won a massive majority in the first parliamentary elections in March 1973 (Bangladesh History: An overview). There were no other political party in Bangladesh 's early years was able to take challenge its broad-based appeal, membership, or organizational

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