The Pros And Cons Of Donating Children

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Imagine being married and having a beautiful healthy child. Do you think you would be happy? Now imagine being told that your child has being diagnosed with cancer and there is only one solution to saving your sick kid. How would you feel? Now, picture being told that the solution is creating a child in a different way, a way that is controversial in your own society; a way that goes against all your religious beliefs. Difficult to think about, right? Well the truth is, we do not know how it feels to be a parent, but picturing being in this situation seems really hard. If the person you love most were in deep trouble, would you do anything to help them? Of course you would. So let me present to you the term known as “saviour sibling”, or “donor baby”. A donor baby is a child conceived for the main purpose of saving a sick sibling, meaning donating whatever its sick sibling needs; it could be something as simple as blood, or something as complex as a lung. …show more content…

Many people consider this process as unethical, but it should not be; it is in some way gruesome, but it also is sufficiently adequate. Some cons of having a donor baby are: the donor sibling is not able to give its consent, the procedures are at times painful, the donor child may feel unwanted, and the donor child can resent the sick sibling. On the other hand, some pros of having a donor baby are: the family will be happy to have a new sibling, the donor child can be treated better than the sick sibling, a bond is created between the donor and the sick child, the donor child could feel extra special for saving the sick child, and the sick child is eventually saved. People speculate that by having a donor baby, the donor baby will be an “accessory” to the parents and that the parents will love the child only when a donor is needed. Donor babies are human beings and they are usually loved even more because, in most cases, they saved the sick

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