Another Phony Day at School by Holden Caulfield

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Another Phony Day at School by Holden Caulfield

There's nothing I hate more than school. Wherever you look; the halls, the cafe; the classrooms, all you see is phonies. Always fixing their hair, wearing their perfect clothes and perfect shoes. Carrying their goddam perfect purses. They make the already terrible school day even worse. Even the teachers are phonies. All of them, especially my 4th period teacher. I don't even know her real name. We just all call her old Doc. Boy, did I hate her class.

I never liked science much, and old Doc just makes it lousy. I mean why should I care what number an element is or what an electron does? Really, what does that do for me? It's just the schools idea to waste time if you ask me. For Chrissake, that Doc really knows how to screw with your head too. Always asking you questions in the voice, and looking at you like you did something bad enough to get you expelled. Its enough to depress a person. I know in the morning, when the bell rings for that class, it depresses me a little more each time. I don't know how I'm going to last all year, that's for sure.

I always make sure I get to that class before the bell, so I don't have to hear old Doc yell at me for about an hour on how I need to be on time and how I'm not mature enough to deal with the hallways. She really ruins your day. So I always avoid her yelling about that by getting there really early. I practically run from my English class to her room.

Well today, I almost didn't make it because I ran into some big guy who decided it would be fun to push me into a locker for hitting him and ruining his goddam straight path he was walking in, or something, I guess. I mean, he ruined my straight path too, so I don't know why he was so angry about me bumping his side and whatnot. He was probably sore about a paper he failed or something. Who knows. Anyways, he pushed me hard as hell into the locker and I banged my right shoulder pretty good.

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