Why Did Anne Moody Contribute To The Civil Rights Movement Essay

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Although she joined the civil rights movement for a variety of reasons, Anne Moody joined the movement because of the things she experienced growing up in the south. Moody joined the movement to personally try to improve the lives of the black community. She joined because she wanted to have the strength that she believed many black people lacked. The injustices that she faced during her youth, and that she saw continuously throughout her life, pushed her into the movement to empower African Americans. As a child, Moody played, and made friends with, white children. She saw no difference between them but the fact that they nicer things than she did. While living with the Johnsons, this difference was first pointed out to her. One day as her mother took them to see a movie, she and her siblings ran into the white children who lived near them. Without second thought she and her siblings followed them into the whites only lobby. When their mother realized where they had gone she dragged them out, going home without seeing the movie. As she dragged them home she saying “we couldn’t sit downstairs, we couldn’t do this or that with white children.” (pg.33) After this the white children stopped playing in front of their house for a few weeks, but then they started playing again. Moody and her sibling began to …show more content…

Her employer at the time, Mrs. Burke, even blamed his death on his getting “out of place with a white woman.” (pg. 132) This Tragedy showed her the horrors that blacks had to deal with simply because of the colour of their skin. It showed her that you could be killed simply because you were black. Soon Mrs. Burke started inviting women over for “guild meetings” (pg. 133) Moody was dismissed from work early on these days out of fear that she was eavesdropping. This meeting, however, is the first place that moody heard of the NAACP, an organization which she would later

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