Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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“Each year an estimated seventy million animals are hurt and killed in the name of science” (Everts). Seventy million is a lot of animals for us to be casually testing on just to create makeup and cleaning products. Many people do not even think about these animals as they are buying different products and tend to ignore the fact that to create certain products animals died or were seriously injured. Everyone seems to have a different view on this, whether they are for it, against it, or neutral they all have their reasons. However many people thoroughly support the idea that animals should not be tested on because of the harm that comes to them while testing. What exactly is animal testing? Animal testing is the use of animals in biological, …show more content…

These are two of the main points that many people make when arguing that we should be testing on animals. In their minds testing on a rat that is very similar to our genetic makeup is the best way to test drugs that could be potentially harmful to humans. However many of these people will turn around and be annoyed if they see someone being abusive towards an animal. Then the argument typically becomes that most research is done of mice, rats, fish, and birds and how many people actually like animals such as though. This should not be the case though. While testing drugs on a mouse may not seem as bad as kicking a puppy, it really is. Animal abuse is animal abuse no matter how it is looked at. Just because a mice is not an animal that many people have as pets does not mean that they should be treated any worse than a dog or …show more content…

They cause an extreme amount of pain and many times death. Animals are not given the option to back out of this either; because they have no voice to say no with we force the participation. Tom Regan, a philosophy professor, is quoted in In the Name of Science, saying, “Animal experimentation is morally wrong no matter how much humans may benefit because the animal’s basic right has been infringed. Risks are not morally transferable to those who do not choose to take them” (Orlans). Animals do not agree to participate in these experiments and therefore they should not have their life affected by these experiments. Researchers should not be vocalizing for these animals and be dooming them to possibly death. Animal experimentation should be stop because it violates the animal’s

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