Pros And Cons Of Breastmilk Vs Formula

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Breastmilk vs Formula Children come into the world totally helpless. They are not even able to fathom their environment. They have just experienced a traumatic process called birth. Being that infants do completely and honestly depend on the individuals around them for their nourishment, the decision to breastfeed is on the parents with help from medical staff. It is important that mothers are emotionally healthy in order to make these decisions for their children. Not all people have the same views about breastfeeding. As an example, there is encouragement from the government to use formula using assistance programs for low income families to receive free formula. As told in one of my articles, 45% of the women who breastfeed and participate …show more content…

Something else regarding the benefits of breastfeeding is that lactation is linked with an automatic stress response involving cortisol levels which has both antidepressant and anxiolytic effects on the mother. Other reasons that hospitals have noticed that causes those to lean toward breastfeeding are never needing a bottle, no need for preparation, lessened cost, painless weight management, and improvement of unique relationship between mommy and …show more content…

Decreased muscle tension and pain perception, as well a stable good blood pressure during labor has been proven a fact in women who have had strong emotional support during pregnancy and labor. The bombardment of advertisement companies promising and promoting formula falsely, suggesting that their products can have the same benefits as breastmilk does not assist in encouraging what has been proven to be the best. Women who naturally nourish often are healthier physically and emotionally. Dropping weight that was gained during pregnancy often happens faster being that nursing a baby requires many extra calories. Results of breastfeeding vary from mother to mother as well as from baby to baby. It is believed that intermittent nursing reduces ovulation, making the mother less inclined to menstruate, ovulate, or become expectant

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