Analysis Of God Of Carnage By Yasmina Reza

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Yasmina Reza is a french woman who is an well known playwright, and novelist, who has been awarded multiple awards, including a Tony award in 1989 as well as 2009, she currently resides in Paris. A play she had wrote in 2008 entitle God of Carnage, has become an impeccable piece of literature that has changed the outlook on acting like an adult. With realistic characters with realistic dialogue, all completed with a seasoning of awakening satire. This play puts on display the irony of two couples, arguing about their own children acting like big children themselves, as they discuss the ill manner choices of their own sons.

As they play opens ups, we learn that Veronica 's eleven year old son has been assaulted with a stick causing him …show more content…

A comical scene that occurs in this story is when the hamster comes into play. Veronica informs us about her second child, henry’s sister who is nine years old. This little girl is very upset because her father got rid of her hamster. Then, we learn more about the hamster as Michael shares his side of the story, “Yes this hamster makes the most god awful racket all night, then spends the whole day fast asleep! Henry was in a lot of pain last night; he was being driven crazy by the noise that the hamster was making. And to tell you the truth I’ve been wanting to get rid of it for a long time, so I said to myself OK, that’s it I took it and put it in the street. I thought they loved drains and gutters and all that but i guess not, it just sat there paralyzed on the sidewalk, Well, they 're not domestic animals, they’re not wild animals, I don 't really know where their natural habitat is. Dump them in the woods, they 're probably just as unhappy, so I don 't know where you’re suppose to put them.”. (7 Reza.) If this were a lifetime movie or a disney movie we would all sleep better at night because we would have seen the dad bring the …show more content…

… No, no, darling, we haven’t found her … Yes i went all the way to the grocery store. But you know, my love, Nibbles is very resourceful, i think you have to have faith in her. You think she was happy in a cage? … Daddy’s very sad, he didn’t mean to upset you … Yes will of course you’ll speak to him again. Listen darling we’re worried enough about your brother .. She’ll eat … she’ll eat leaves acorns. Horse chestnuts … she’ll find things, she knows what food she needs … worms snails, stuff that drops out of trash cans. She’s like us, she omnivorous… See you soon, sweetheart. This one phone conversation has two key pieces of giving us very realistic situations, the first being when Veronica switches from melt down mode as she was just previously losing her reputation as a prideful adult in front of her house guest, she collects herself to avoid any worry in her daughter. Secondly, she covers up the mess by lying to her daughter that her hamster will be alright, knowing what happens to hamsters when they’re set free, just like most realistic moms would do to prevent breaking their child’s

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