Nonverbal Communication In The Film, Thandie Newton

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In the film, Thandie Newton (Christine Thayer) Her gestures, facial expressions, and voice are so unique to her character and really help the audience feel her struggle as an African-American woman who had been treated unfairly. She stats her feeling through nonverbal behavior. she appears her aggression. For example, Christine comes off as very aggressive towards her husband after their run-in with the police. when they come back to their home, she begins fight, she wanted to fight. She is very self-confident of herself and goes against the many categorizes given to her through her race. When she is in bedroom, she become strong and simple. she unclothed very dramatically. In the film, her appearance was that of style. she shows as wealthy, …show more content…

Every word she talked sarcastic comment with her husband. She also speaks very intelligent. Even though, she was educated and complex, and she was speaks English very fluently. She used high voice when she wants to convince her opinion. There is another nonverbal communication such as facial expression and eye contact. For example, when the officer Rayan, he stop Christina with her husband When Matt Dillon’s character, Officer Ryan, flashes a light into the back of the car and it washes Christine’s face out, we think that she is a white woman involved with a black man. When the car is pulled over we quickly see that she is a light-skinned African-American. Furthermore, When Cameron is asked to step out of the car, Christine’s actions straight away emerge as more aggressive. She opens the vehicle door and we see her facial expressions have changed from blissful and completely happy to indignant and distorted. She doesn’t manage the scenario coolly like Cameron tries to do, and that indicates us a little bit extra of her character. When Officer Ryan starts offevolved to search her she becomes even greater closed off and …show more content…

The anger and confusion alongside with a deep disappointment that her husband is just standing by using whilst this is going on all is proven on her face. Actually, now not even her face, we see primarily just her profile, however it is powerful adequate for us to comprehend what she is going through. The second when the officer goes from searching to assaulting, she right now stops speakme and we see her continuously closing her eyes, shaking her head, looking slightly downward, and maintain lower back silent sobs. She tries her first-rate to now not touch Officer Ryan and avoid his fingers as well and this shows the tension and discord between the two. When she is happy with a person, or in an intimate relationship with any one (Cameron) she turns her physique towards them and is no longer afraid to touch them. When she doesn’t know any individual and knows that they are going to do something towards her will she tries her first-class to withstand them, almost

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