Elements Of Jesus Christ In John Coffey's The Green Mile

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From the surface point of view, The Green Mile might seems like a film that involves just white supremacy and race violence (Owen and Ehrenhuas 134), but there are more to it than just that. The film cleverly crafted in a hidden story that only Christians might noticed. In the movie, John Coffey is the symbolic definition of Jesus Christ. This was illustrated throughout the film with the five big elements of the Christ story. Before indicating the five big elements of the Christ story within John Coffey, it is important to note some important traits that Coffey shared with Jesus Christ throughout the film. First off, they both have the same initial. Secondly, they both wept before execution. Thirdly, at the moment of the execution, and after, a supernatural event occurred when they both died. Lastly, they both were executed by people that did not wanted to kill them. …show more content…

Coffey was innocent in the film and he has a gift that allows him to cure illnesses by in taking the illness within himself and releasing it in a form of a swarm of brown flakes. In a way, this is similar to Jesus since Jesus could also healed people too. Paul also indicates that he considered Coffey as a miracle from god since Coffey used his power for good most of the movie. The last indication that John Coffey was touched by god was when Paul realized he gained a long lasting life since Coffey gave a bit of himself to Paul. The second element that is similar to the Christ story is betrayal. In the Jesus Christ story, Judas betrayed Jesus. In The Green Mile, John Coffey was betrayed by the people around him when he tried to save the two girls. In a way, Coffey was also betrayed by the guard too since they ended up killing him, even though they did not wanted to kill

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