Personal Experiences In Jeanne Marie Laskas's 'Concussion'

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American football can be joyful and entertaining to watch but what people do not know is that players are suffering a disease that has never been discovering before. In 2009, Jeanne Marie Laskas novel “Concussion,” brought one question to American. Can football kill people? She concludes that playing football can cause permanent brain damage, cause a person to go crazy, and to the point of death. She uses diction and anecdotes to bring a threat to football players in America to light. For instance, Laskas bring each character to life improving the interest in the book. She first starts with each person life style such as his father Oba, Mrs. Wecht, and Mike Webster. First, Bennet father Oba was an impressive father who …show more content…

Similarly, Mrs. Wecht was Bennet boss who he worked in America. Mrs. Wecht was like a father to Bennet who taught him about America, introduce him to brains, and give Bennet the opportunity he always wanted. Also, Mrs. Wecht perform thousand of autopsy on crimes and was the first to came up with the theory of the assassination of JFK that he was shot with two bullets, he was the reason Bennent ended up in Pittsburgh. Therefore, Mike Webster a famous NLF player ended up crazy, ruining his perfect life by living in his truck and tasing himself to death. In addition, Mike was the reason Bennet life changed to a point he wish he never knew Mike Webster. Furthermore, Laskas show the readers of Bennet career, education, and his life style and which he lives in to provide information of how brilliant Bennet can be. For example, she first point out Bennet childhood where his family suffered from the Nigerian-Biafran war and first start school at age three to be with his brother Theodore. He study hard even when depression hits him, he still tries no matter how many time he thinks of giving up. Then, as years

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