A Comparison Of 1984 And George Orwell's 1984

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1984 by George Orwell, is a dystopian novel that depicts a nation ruled under a totalitarian regime. The narrator introduces Winston Smith, who is thirty nine years old and lives in an apartment building that smells of “boiled cabbage” in London. Winston works as an administrator in the records department of the Ministry of Truth, which spreads public falsehoods by rewriting historical documents to what the ministry approves. The beginning chapters contain the political realities of Oceanic future society: the Police Patrol surveil citizens through their windows along with the Thought Police, who contain insidious power and remain anonymous. Big Brother is the totalitarian government’s image and Winston perceives Big Brothers images to be peering out from posters plastered throughout the city. Many citizens have private telescreens announce the Party’s platform and its sustained stream of documentary films. Everyone seemingly assumes that they are being watched continuously through the telescreens, Police Patrol, or Thought Police, so most no longer care to know. Except for Winston, who is compelled to court danger by writing his thoughts of the political party in his journal. Americas Society is becoming more similar to George Orwell’s 1984 novel. …show more content…

“So long as they continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern...Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.” Big Brother understood that by giving freedom to the mass illiterate population, they could be in

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