Cultural Themes In Pride And Prejudice

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Exam 1
Pride and Prejudice
The cultural theme of this interaction deals with the custom of arranged marriages. The scene analyzed discusses the possibility that a character may be engaged to a man who has been promised to marry a woman his parents had chosen for him. The ensuing conversation is produced by assumptions and rumors circulating through the social circles which both characters frequent.
Pride and Prejudice is set in rural England during the Napoleonic Wars in 1790 to 1815. The characters mostly come from the gentry, which is the upper class determined by family relations and the ability to not work. The social setting is important because the ideals of the upper class dictate their interactions and relations with those from their …show more content…

They place high value on their own and their family’s place in society. This group of people is in the upper class. Some are very near to being the most important people in the country. Evidence of this is shown throughout the movie through conversations about individual and family relations. The Bennet family highly values elevation from their current social standing. Mr. Darcy explains to Elizabeth that he shouldn’t want to marry her due to her family’s lower social standing. Lydia’s elopement with Wickham is said to ruin the family’s reputation which is her mother’s greatest …show more content…

Within the scene analyzed, there are numerous norms being followed. Deference to those of a higher social class is shown when Elizabeth is speaking with Lady Catherine. This is the practice that the one of higher social standing is in charge of the conversation. They are allowed to lead the conversation and those below them are to behave in deference to this. They are also to be shown greater respect and less familiarity. Another norm which follows is that those of higher standing may speak their minds while those beneath them are supposed to abide by their wishes. The higher social standing dictates that they are to lead the conversation from beginning until they deem it

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