Analysis Of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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Throughout society, there are many individuals who influence the growth/development of others. Ones influence on others could either have a positive or negative impact on an individual's life. Throughout Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, McMurphy's arrival on the ward influences the way the patients seek their own freedom. McMurphy sympathizes for the patient, not wanting to see them suffer in this “cuckoo nest” of a hospital. Such oppressive control is too much for McMurphy to bear and therefore he begins to challenge the Nurse’s control over all the patients in the wards, symbolically, all of mankind. Kesey’s title, One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, signifies how the patients in the ward are able to free themselves under Nurse Ratched’s oppressive McMurphy's arrival to the institution brings a sense of change to the ward. Nurse Ratched is an intimidating character that has manipulated the patients into thinking that she is supporting them, but really, she wants to assert her control. McMurphy is quick to note Nurse Ratched’s power over the patients and is not willing to be put under her emasculation. McMurphy corrupts Nurse Ratched's power by rebelling against the cleaning schedule. In one of the group meetings, McMurphy asks, “what's so wrong with changing time?” (Kesey 139). McMurphy wants to change the schedule around in order to allow the patients to watch the World Series as he understand that following the same order is repetitive, exhausting, and boring. McMurphy wants the men to revive their voices and so encourages them to vote. Nurse Ratched does not allow the change and turns off the television even after voting. In protest, McMurphy and other patients decide to sit in front of a blank television screen: “If somebody’d of come in and took a look… they’d of thought the whole bunch was crazy as loons” (145). McMurphy implements a sense of disruption into the

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