Freedom And Freedom Essay

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Freedom is having the right to own, act, think, and speak without any restrictions from the outside. Ever since the New World was discovered, people have been fighting for their independence till this day. People of other colors and race have been forced to do labor without their consent. Today, those same people have been blamed or accused of crimes that were not committed by them despite of being free. Freedom has different meanings and those meanings change overtime; however sometimes the significance of freedom does not change. Freedom was one thing that people were willing to take the chance to risk their lives. Slaves made plans to escape their masters and leave their horrible life behind that was given to them by default. For many …show more content…

49). The slaves were beyond desperate to leave their labor life that they made plans to escape. Unfortunately, the plot was discovered and many of the slaves were killed or taken to different states. The thought of getting caught had probably come into their minds, but they wanted to leave and be free. George Tucker, who speaks on this rebellion, opposed to slavery, but he believed that the slaves had to leave and move to the west side of the Mississippi River. There was no chance of whites and blacks living together. Not only were slaves eager for their freedom, Thomas Jefferson also wanted freedom. He believed if a man is under authority, he is not fully free. In the article “Slave and Freedom,” Jefferson said, “I am miserable till I shall owe not a shilling” (8). Jefferson was a debtor, so he was under the power of other to pay all debt. He was an important leading figure, but because of owing debt he felt the burden of not being free. Women also had the worry of not being free. Young, unmarried women had started to work in factories and the factory …show more content…

With more support, there are more suggestions on how to make the dream of freedom come true. Freedom did not only include working conditions. It also involved religion freedom. The document “Sinners Bound to Change Their Own Hearts” points out that “…a person free to choose between a Christian life or life of sin” (Voices Doc. 58). People have the choice to choose the life they want, whether it is following God or if it is doing something that is against ones religion. Freedom of religion is one important aspect that people had arrived to the New World for. People wanted to practice their religion without being looked as a bad person. Now the people are choosing to go against their religion and feel good about doing it. The meaning of freedom of religion changed from what it stood for. Regarding individual freedom, there was always a whether slaves should be free or not. According to Andrew Fletcher in “Slavery and Freedom,” he suggests that “…they all be made slaves to men of property” (11). Those same people turn out to do crimes and are not able to live off their own, so he thought it was better for them to be slaves. As slaves they were free because they were working and making a living, but the slaves thought they should not be treated as laborers for the wealthy. Fletcher was willing to make the former slaves work as slaves again. Slaves had come out of

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