The American Dream Exposed in Sicko, by Michael Moore

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America is a place where myriad of people desired to migrate and to live in as there are American Dream, same meaning as opportunity to endeavor after life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This opportunity is social, economic and spiritual. However, the deteriorated political system makes American dream has the metamorphosis from opportunity to materialism. In some people’s mind, opportunities are not in America, but somewhere else. In documentary film “Sicko”, the director Michael Moore exposes the dysfunctional North American health care system, aim primarily at huge profits and not for their mission of saving lives. Further, he shows the corruption in the political system, with members of government and congress and the situation of the average American citizens, including those that volunteered to work in the rescue mission of the September 11th. Compared to free, universal care in Canada, the U.K., and France, the United States is a place deprived of the right to survive. In the story “Sea Oak,” the lives of Bernie, Min, Jade and the narrator demonstrate Michael Moore’s satirical critique about the deteriorated system in the United States lead to moral decay and freedom thus mean in this nation is inequality between the rich and the poor, allowing exploitation, and creating misery to the middle and poor class; they can only rely on themselves to find the solution to get out of this “freedom” and have a new destiny. Companies aim at surplus in this capitalism world, allowing the rich exploited the right of the poor, thus deprived the rights to simply live with a healthy life. American dream is gone where tragedy destiny is inescapable, for no motivation stimulate them to change as they cannot even see the beacon that l... ... middle of paper ... ... a tremendous change. She never curse to anyone even they do not do properly. She gives the goal for Min, Jade and the narrator, and warms she has the power to kill them if they tell anyone or not follow what she said. Before she dies again, she insists she is still nice as before. (Saunders 559)She orders them to satisfy her want that they have to leave Sea Oak because she learned from the past that they will not listen to her if she uses the tone of calm. In order to maintain their lives and forbid them to live just like her in a misery life, she has to give them threat. Threat has a positive outcome as it somehow can make something go smoothly. America has already changed, and this change is noticeable in the metamorphosis of the American Dream. It is the result of moral deterioration, of the mass-man’s turning the concepts of good and evil to his own purpose.

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