Aggression And Aggression

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Aggression is an intentional action aimed at doing harm or causing pain (Aronson…) and it often is classified either as physical or verbal aggression. Physical aggression is an action which will cause physical pain and injury and often include hitting, kicking… using weapons; for verbal aggression is an assault on other’s self-concept and it will likely to cause some inward or mental distress.
Under the context of aggression, there are many causes that work together to arouse people’s aggressiveness. Biological influence through neural and chemical, combine with the situation and the target people is facing. Often times a target for aggression matters, for example, men’s aggression is often towards another man (Graham & Wells, 2001a). As for women, in a research, it reveals that they are more likely to have physical aggression towards their partner (Archer, 2000). Both of these research confirmed that gender difference affects the selection of targets. Also, the situation is another factor for aggression, in the research it declares …show more content…

According to the prediction, people’s level of aggressiveness will drop when the target is participant’s friend under the situation that involves a general offensive action, yet if the situation involves an intimate issue, the participant will likely to act aggressively to their friends. If the target is a stranger, then participant’s level of aggression will increase while facing a general offensive action and participants will act less aggressively to a stranger when it is an intimate issue. In this experiment, the independent variable is different situations and different targets, and the dependent variable is the level of people aggressiveness towards stranger and friend under variant situations. As for clarification, general offensive action in this context

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