Uncivilization In Africa Essay

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Africa is the world’s poorest inhabited continent, with more than one third of its residents living on less than a comparative US dollar per day. Africa is often stereotyped as poor, overpopulated, and uncivilized. Africa is commonly interpreted as one united land mass rather than multiple independent nations. Africa’s limited use of technology, agriculture and market based economy, and independent self-governing prior to independence have made gathering data on the continent difficult. Africa as a whole has little data collected about its past and as a result many studies conducted and published refer to the continent as a whole rather than referring to individual nations. Around the time of the First World War Europeans began to set their eyes on the land abundant and resource dense continent just south of them. During the 1900s Britain embarked on a mission to colonize much of …show more content…

Before the British arrived in Africa, they had sustainable economic, social, and political systems. These existing systems were destroyed the European’s quest to use Africa’s wealth for their own economic gains (Alcott). Prior to colonization many African states relied on agriculture to meet the level of subsistence, and selling or trading excess crops. The British did not recognize this type of economic system as a sufficient alternative method. They did not respect the African’s cultural differences and lifestyles; instead, they saw the lack of technology and modernization as merely unacceptable. They began to implant their own economic methods on the African’s without accounting for or respecting other lifestyles and methods of building a society. Instead of respecting ethnic differences across the continent, the British began to exploit them for their own

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