Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation

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Abraham Lincoln is arguably one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States. He only served 5 years, but was president in the worst period of American history. He did the unthinkable to many people because of the severity of the decision; he emancipated slaves in the United States. This caused him to be dubbed ‘The Great Emancipator’. The nickname he received is an accurate one because it is a major decision that shaped the future of America. This decision was long overdue and he made sure that the prosperity would not have to deal with the issue of slavery separating the government. Additionally, he was able to change the landscape of the war because the North had affected the South’s way of life. He was very bold for declaring that all slaves will be free, but it was for the improvement of America. The future of the United States was decided in this war. Abraham Lincoln knew that for any further issues regarding slavery would only hurt the US so he realized that the decision would have to be either slavery or no slavery. He knew that the future would Congress and House should not have to decide laws that govern slavery. He knew that if the Confederacy lost the war, they would need to join the US again because their country would not stand. He was aware that the Union could act upon this without low opposition because he did not have Southern protesting. He was always planning to end slavery because he was a Republican and he did not believe that the continuation of slavery would help the country. He was saving the country from future conflicts on a major scale that would be strong enough to separate the nation into two countries The Civil War was a major turning point because it was going to de... ... middle of paper ... ...to collapse because they were not economically stable. The speech showed that the boldness of Lincoln helped the Union win the war. As the war progressed, it seemed like a bold move for Abraham Lincoln to emancipate slaves because the South depended on slaves, and it was overall for the betterment of America. The issue of slavery separating the government into two sides was not effective for America. He was trying to prevent future generations of representatives from arguing over this issue, because it does not help the country get better. The North knew that during the war it would not matter, but they disconnected the South to its economic catalyst. He was named ‘The Great Emancipator’ because of the actions he took in office. He did not have just the emancipation of slaves, but he emancipated the country from the arguing and segregation that slavery bought.

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