Victor Frankenstein Personality Disorder Essay

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The abnormal behavior of Victor Frankenstein simply could not be explained by anyone. He was obsessed with building his monster, no matter what the morality or the outcome of his actions were. Consequences wreaked havoc on the creator when the monster turned on him and took his anger out on Victor’s family. He was so focused on building his perfection that he overlooked some factors. After further research, it is concluded that Victor suffered from Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder during the creation of his monster, which resulted in a rigid following of the ethics and morals of science and technology. Obsessive Compulsive Personality disorder is often confused with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which is an almost less severe …show more content…

They often put these qualities at the expense of their flexibility, openness, and efficiency. It is more important in the sufferer’s mind to be conscientious and orderly. These can be great qualities to have, yet they are also morally rigid, fussy about details, and indecisive. This obviously describes Victor Frankenstein to the T and could help explain his reasonings to building the monster and his abnormal behavior. The first evidence that he did, in fact, have OCPD is that this disorder is developed during the adult life. Before Victor went off to college, he seemed just as any other man in love would be. Once he arrived; however, there was no stopping his vision of creating a living being. He forgets everything except his one and only current goal in life. Victor obviously shows the value of perfectionism when building his monster. This creation takes many years to create and he thinks long and hard about every decision he makes for it. He treats this almost as he would a child. Perfectionism is not always a great aspect as it can and will interfere with the completion of tasks of people with OCPD. Victor thinks long and hard about every decision for his fiend and this makes his …show more content…

There is a fine line between a person 's morals and what they believe is right or wrong. First off, does one think that building a whole new life form would be ethical? Victor almost plays God when he builds his creation. He does not take into consideration the ethics or morals of science and technology. In order to build his creation, he also robs many graves to get certain body parts. That is just simply not right. It is not respectful to the families of the dead nor is it the norm in our society. However, Victor does not even think twice when he makes the decision to use these body parts. Just as many OCPD victims, he throws his moral and ethical codes out the window. He is only focused on building his precious monster. In today’s society, people take a second look in these situations, but for science’s sake some experiments are being performed that go against the moral values of many and could cause death. For instance, many are questioning if we should seek to treat incurable diseases or extend human life by using organs of genetically modified pigs or cells derived from human embryos. It is not moral to attempt to change the outcome of ones life by taking another. Humans are letting their selfish aspect get the best of them. This is along the same lines as what Victor tried to do. His method of making a life form could also be used to

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