A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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The story of “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” was initially written in 1955 and characterized in a style called “magical realism.” This style is also related with its author, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Magical realism integrates real everyday details with features of fantasy. It is done in such a way that it can disguise the difference between reality and fiction. This style, often associated with South American authors, differs from typical fairy tales and folk legends because stories of magic realism lead to no clear morals. Magical realism does not “invent new order of things but simply [reorder] reality,” (Wechsler 293). These stories provide meticulous examples of a world with magical prospects but often leave the reader probing for its meaning. “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” is certainly that story. Even though the plot is mainly about a winged man who has fallen from the Heavens, the highlighting subject to this story is the people’s negative nature which conflicts their lack of ability to be grateful for a miracle.

This story is packed with the use of imagery in order to reveal the negativity of human nature. Marquez brilliantly hinted in certain details to capture this. The story begins by portraying the setting very dark and miserable, “sea and sky were a single ash gray” (269) and the “sands had become a stew of mud and rotten shellfish,” (269). These symbols served as props to show the cruelty and negative vibe the people of the town had. Even though the winged man was very different, he vividly meant no harm. He never exposed any type of harmful ways so there was no reason for him to be caged away and treated in such a way. The angel was kept in the chicken coop and was “unnoticed or pushed aside by the broom ...

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... or something greatly benefits their life, but still decide to treat them terrible.

“A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings,” moral is that people should keep in eye open for miracles and not be so quick to judge, harm and take advantage of those who are different. Also, people shouldn’t be so wedged up being a part of this world that they miss out on the “magical” things that appear in everyday life. It is said that “magical realism affords a latitude of physiological effects, although it was pinned in, as it were, between realism and surrealism,” (Wechsler 294). Yes, something’s are not of this world but people should always keep an open mind for imagination, or an opportunity for a gift or blessing can easily slip between their fingers. It’s always been said that people never know who or when God is going to send to test their geniuses, faithfulness and abilities.

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