A Summary of Descartes and His Thoughts

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Descartes claim of ‘Cogito ergo sum’ marked a sharp departure from what philosophy was in his time. He started from the basic principle of rationalism and he concluded that ‘I think, therefore I exist’. In his Meditation II, Descartes hits an epistemological ground zero. Here it is that Descartes begins his startling point, “And thus, having reflected well, and carefully examined all things, we have finally to conclude that this declaration, Ego sum, ego existo, is necessarily true every time I propound of mentally apprehend it.” In this statement he affirms his existence and later concludes that he was a res cogitans -- a thinking thing, “that is to say a mind, an understanding or reason-terms of significance of which has been hitherto been unknown to me. I am a real thing, and really existent.” Descartes broke with old philosophy and gave it a new beginning. In particular, because his system of truth originated from his own thinking and analysis, he no longer desires to rely on ideas of previous philosophers. He is clearly determined to find out the basis of intellectual certainty in his own reason. In proving Descartes ‘Cogito’ I will use to prove God’s existence.
Descartes intuits this self-evident proposition and at the same time simultaneously infers his own existence. By an act of simple mental vision, he clearly and distinctly perceived that he exists from a clearly and distinct premise about what he thought. The Cogito for him meets the criterion of truth that he previously formed. This proposition cannot be undermined because it is a privileged truth and is not subjected to the ‘evil genius’. Such a truth is also indubitable. It should be stated out here that he was thinking not so much in the order of existence but r...

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...e. He argues that the essence of God implies the existence of God. While the idea of God is present to the human mind, it is different from other ideas because such an idea is that of a supremely perfect being. God would not be a perfect being if there was the impossibility of his existence. Consequently, God’s existence cannot be separated from His essence. His essence is to exist and his existence is necessary. Using the criteria for truth, Descartes notes that he clearly and distinctly apprehends God’s essence to be supreme perfection. Such perfection is void of limitation. This argument is not contingent on Descartes recognizing his existence first as per the previous proof for God’s existence. God becomes the subject and existence the predicate. God is seen by virtue of His own existence. Such knowledge is clear and distinct and guarantees truth for Descartes.

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