The Positive Effects Of Changing Family Structures In Society

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In the last few decades, family structures and patterns have drastically evolved. Previously, there was little diversity in the way families were structured and in family dynamics. For example, the majority of families consisted of a married father and mother, as well as children. The father was the economic provider for the family, while the mother cared for the children. Recently, family structures have evolved. For example, families now consist of same-sex couples, unmarried couples, couples with no children, single-parent families, divorced families, families with adopted children, etc. Sociological theories such as structural functionalism and feminism can help to answer the question of whether or not changing family structures are negatively …show more content…

If the changing family structures are benefitting society, it could be seen through many different aspects of society. For example, by allowing same-sex couples to get married and have a family it could positively impact mental health, which may prevent crimes, suicides, etc. This is due to the fact that every aspect of society is interdependent, according to functionalism, which means that if people are part of a positive, healthy family, no matter the structure, it will benefit other aspects of society. According to a functionalist perspective, another reason that changing family structures could be benefitting society, is through the economy. For example, today families often have two working parents, meaning that they may have more income to buy goods and services than families did in the past. A functionalist would explain that the added income in many families would allow for other aspects of society to benefit, therefore benefitting society. However, the changing family structures could also be burdening society, as less people may be getting married and having children, etc. From an economic standpoint, less people in society means less people to generate income and pay taxes which will affect a larger, aging population. If less people are having children it could also impact the functioning of schools, toy stores, hospitals, and many other aspects of society. This is due to the fact that if less people are having children, there will be a decreased need for certain services and goods that pertain to children. This alternative would suggest that the institution of the family is in crisis, so therefore society is in crisis, as all aspects of society are interdependent of one another. Another factor of structural functionalism is that society needs to have an agreement on norms and values that are important to them. This means

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