Sand And Sea Sand: Three Different Types Of Sands

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Sand is made of mostly various amount of material weathered from inland rocks that is blanketing the beaches, riverbeds and deserts of the world. It is composed of different material that depending on the area. Thus, it can be classified into three different forms such as;
i) Fine sand (0.075 to 0.425 mm) ii) Medium sand (0.425 to 2.000 mm) iii) Coarse sand (2.000 to 4.270 mm)
However, the classification of sand is further has types of sand in particular and the most common sand are pit sand which also known as coarse sand, river sand and sea sand. Pit sand is also called as badarpur in common language. Thus type of coarse sand is generally red-orange in colour and have sharp, angular shape as well as salts free. While as for the river sand it is occurred around the river stream and banks. It is a fine sand and its colour is white-grey. Lastly is sea sand which can be obtained from the sea shores and have brown in colour. Sea sand have a similarity with the river sand where they both are fine cicular grains.
1.4.2 Uses of Sand
Sand has significant value to society as a recretional products where the children play with it and the adults relax on it. Many people see sand as readily available but however it actually takes time to develop a deposits to produce a sand product for industrial uses and construction. Some of …show more content…

Basically, after a screen filter had removed the larger debris, media filter such as rapid sand filter will be further filtering out organic material like algae and bacterial slimes as well as fine sediments such as silt and clay (Bartok, 2009). However, this treatment requires a large area. It may be different from the other media filter which is slow sand filter. (Figure 1.5) As the slow sand filtration used much finer sand compared to the rapid sand filter where the sand used is larger than 1 mm in

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