Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ

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The known world was impacted by the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which was done by the first century church with great passion. These early followers of Christ set the world on fire, by relaying the Good news of Jesus Christ, first to the nation of Israel then to the gentile world. The Bible tells us that the Apostle Peter was commissioned to bring the announcement of Christ’s death and resurrection to his Jewish brethren, whereas, the Apostle Paul was chosen by Christ to bring the Gospel message of salvation to the gentile world. The early works of the church are recorded in a series of letters that have become known as the scriptures of the New Testament.
During early missionaries journeys the Gospel of Christ was shared first with the Jews. These early workers went into the local “synagogue and reading the Law and the Prophets” (Acts 13:15) teaching that, Jesus Christ has fulfilled the scriptures of the Messiah. Today the Law and Prophets are known as the Old Testament. The early church used these scriptures to verify the accuracy of what Peter, Paul and the rest of early church were preaching. The Jews in Berea received the word from Paul and examined the scripture daily to confirm the truth (Acts 17:10-12). These early followers of Christ set the example that today’s believers need to follow.
The New Testament student will develop a much richer faith by embracing the study of the Old Testament. The exploration into the depths of details that God’s plan has threaded into both Testaments will expand the researchers understanding of God. The revelation that God concealed the plan of salvation in the Law and the Prophets until the right time for it to be reveled is one of the many treasures of studying the Old Test...

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...ent book except Revelation.” In order to show his readers that Jesus was the Christ, he went into the Old Testament writings of Isaiah, Deuteronomy and several other Prophets. Of the thirty nine books that make up the Old Testament the book of “Isaiah is crucial to understanding the person and work of Christ.” Isaiah takes you to the prophecy’s concerning the birth of the Messiah (Isaiah 7:14, 9:6) and His death on the cross (Isaiah 58). The way the early followers of Christ examined and applied scriptures of the Old Testament to their faith, so should be example to the modern Theologian. The Jewish people had been expecting a Messiah and knew about the prophecy that was written in their sacred text. Therefore, the authors of the New Testament were inspired by God to guide the people back to the Old Testament to understand that they were fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

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